Can an Online MBA Get You a Job Abroad

The number of management experts who get their MBAs online is increasing. An Online MBA program is ideal for busy workers and recent college grads, and many aspiring managers have recognized this.

The growth in demand for online master of business administration programs in recent years has been phenomenal. In response to the rising demand for Online MBA programs, many prestigious business institutions (B-schools) have started to provide them.

While many online MBA programs are not the same as traditional management degrees, they provide education on par with a traditional MBA. Rather than committing to a full-time program at an Indian B-School, many aspiring MBAs are instead choosing to earn their degree online (from a foreign university).

A foreign university degree is an obvious choice because of its more excellent value on the global job market than a domestic university degree. An Online MBA is growing in popularity since it allows people to continue working while completing their degree.

It is a significant draw for people in the workforce to pursue an MBA online. Another benefit is that the school saves money on building and maintaining facilities because the students are not there. In addition, the COVID-19 period has increased the social acceptability of distance learning.

Why Should I Get an MBA Online?



An MBA online is all about doing it in a digital setting. The learner receives the added benefit of being able to learn on their own time and in their environment. Physical presence is not required. You’ll only need a laptop or desktop computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection.

The Price of an Online Master’s Degree in Business Administration

Compared to online MBA programs, traditional MBA schools have a hefty cost. Those who want to get their MBA but can’t afford the high fees will appreciate this. Candidates with monetary constraints can enroll in these programs because of flexible payment plans.

Identical to a traditional MBA program in terms of course content

Full-time and online MBA programs share the same curriculum and course requirements. It means that students can obtain the training of an MBA without actually enrolling in one.

You can continue your job.

Professionals can continue working while pursuing an MBA degree. They can keep working while pursuing an MBA online. The candidate can also leave without worrying about finishing the program if career possibilities need them to move.

Higher market price

After finishing an online MBA program, graduates have a reasonable opportunity of being highly sought after in the job market. Their pool of potential employers expands significantly. Students have many options when choosing a university; all they have to do is pick the ideal one for themselves.

Top Companies Abroad That Hire MBA Graduates

Recruiters compete for MBA graduates from the best business schools in popular study-abroad destinations. According to a survey conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council, in 2022, the global employment rate for MBA graduates is expected to rise by a respectable margin. Top international employers seeking MBA graduates include the following.

  • McKinsey
  • The Boston Consulting Group
  • Parthenon Group
  • Microsoft
  • Google
  • Apple
  • Facebook
  • Goldman, Sachs
  • JPMorgan and Chase
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Unilever
  • Procter & Gamble

Tips for Job Searching Abroad After Completing an MBA

You must start things as soon as possible if you need to go overseas after finishing your MBA. We’ve covered some ground you need to cover to get a job following an MBA abroad.


When studying for an MBA in a foreign country, you’ll meet people from all statuses of life and all corners of the globe. Communicate with them and see if you can start career conversations—the most effective method of gathering data and inspiration for MBA careers. You may also create a strong connection with your university educator.


Gaining work experience through an internship during your Online MBA studies would also be very beneficial. You may learn more about the field and how to break into it at this event. Furthermore, it aids in the development of one’s network of contacts.

The Best Student:

To get far in life, you also need outstanding intellectual accomplishments. Improving one’s academic performance and expanding one’s knowledge can help one land their ideal job. Generally speaking, the scores are the first thing that recruiters look at.

Updated CV:

An effective resume can help demonstrate your qualifications to prospective employers. Ensure you have a CV that stands out by highlighting your qualifications, experience, and accomplishments.

Sites of Employment:

One essential factor is job sites, which provide a hub for researching and gathering data on employers, job openings, and potential candidates.

As a result, we have learned the best practices for helping overseas MBA graduates secure employment in their host countries. What are the highest-paid positions for those with an international MBA?

How to find a job after your MBA abroad?

Many people enroll in an MBA program with one aim: gaining international work experience. It’s a significant step forward in your professional life. Finding work outside of India is advantageous for Indians in terms of paying off school loans because of the high cost of obtaining an MBA in, for example, the United States or Europe.

Working overseas for a few years after finishing an Online MBA is an excellent way to get a head start on a professional career or, at the least, to gain valuable experience in a professional environment that is different from your own.

It will look great on your resume because it demonstrates that you are adaptable and have the interpersonal and survival skills necessary to function in a cross-cultural setting. The effective performance gained abroad is highly desirable in today’s job market because most businesses and sectors operate globally.

How to search for a job with an MBA abroad?

The world is your absolute favorite if you have an MBA, but finding a good job abroad requires careful planning and forward-thinking. If you need to increase your chances of success when putting yourself out there, follow these suggestions.

Fine-Tune Your Social Abilities

Interpersonal and social skills that help you get along with others are invaluable in a professional setting, especially while working in a different culture. Keep in mind that working in a foreign country presents its own unique set of challenges.

Employers value “soft skills” like social perceptiveness, active listening, and outstanding writing and spoken communication, so relying on these will go you far. In today’s interconnected world, success requires a strong work ethic and the ability to connect with others and build meaningful relationships.

Since many Indians who earn an MBA abroad are also fluent in English, they have a significant advantage when applying for jobs in places wherever English isn’t their native tongue.

Check out the Current Market Trends

Some countries or markets are more likely to hire workers from abroad at specific times. These tendencies shift throughout time and have a direct bearing on your mission. The same tendencies can be seen in business as well.

Employers in technology, finance, consulting, and manufacturing have a history of favoring applications from outside the United States. Success rates automatically rise when plans are geared toward current market trends.

Generally speaking, larger organizations favor employing employees from various cultural backgrounds since they have a worldwide perspective and can better deploy them in field offices in multiple regions.

However, you shouldn’t overlook the smaller companies. Even if they initially show reluctance to hire someone from outside the country, they may alter their minds once they see what a valuable addition you can be to the team.

Improving One’s Success Rate

Another helpful piece of advice is to employ a three-pronged strategy and compile a lengthy list of prospective employers. Firms in the United States, companies in other countries, and your own country would make up these three “prongs.”

While you might have a specific job description in mind, keeping an open mind and taking advantage of potential openings is essential.

When Choosing a Country

You should consider the economy, employment market, and career possibilities in addition to the prestige of the business school you intend to attend when choosing your MBA program. You may always take your chances by applying for jobs in different countries when you graduate, but it helps to know what they are.

The US is the top destination for any student interested in pursuing an Online MBA program, and rightfully so. Except for a select few elsewhere, its business schools are universally regarded as the greatest in the world.

While there is no doubt that the United Kingdom attracts many Indian students each year, England is still a strong option for a short-time, one-year MBA program, despite the country’s new visa process and increased concern regarding acquiring MBA jobs in England.

London Business School isn’t the only prestigious MBA program in the UK; other options include Judge Business School in Cambridge and Said Business School in Oxford.

An Online MBA Program Available in the Covid-19 Era

Since the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, humanity has adjusted to life increasingly dependent on digital technology. Schools and universities had to close to prevent the spreading of the disease, so students had to attend online courses instead. Students appreciate the flexibility of pursuing academic programs like an MBA entirely online.

It’s no surprise that Online MBA has risen to prominence among professional programs because it’s the only one that doesn’t necessitate hands-on lab work. All of the sessions are theoretical and available on demand through an LMS.

It’s reasonable to expect that beyond the COVID-19 era, many aspects of human contact will shift, making online MBA programs the standard for management education. In addition, an MBA completed online efficiently fits your busy schedule and is within the budget. Furthermore, it is unrestricted by physical location. Students from around the world can get their MBA from various institutions.

Also Read: Six Ways You Can Look for Going to Study in a Foreign Country

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