Top 10 Study Tips To Prepare For Any Exam

Final exams are coming near and you need some study tips? Don’t worry.

We’ve got your back.

We will be giving you 10 study tips that will definitely help you concentrate and focus on your upcoming exams.

Top 10 Best Study Tips For Competitive Exam Preparation

Study Tips for students

Tip #1: Make A Detailed Time Table

Whether you’re studying from online courses or with your physical notes…making a timetable will help you stay organized. You will be able to track your progress and see where you are falling behind. Accordingly, you will be able to make the necessary changes.

One of the most important things you need to know while making a timetable is, do not to make one with a very tight schedule. What most students do is they make a timetable in which there is hardly any time for breaks or to relax.

Do not do this. Avoid pressuring yourself. Make a list of subjects you can study in a day without going overboard.

If you make this mistake you will fall behind because the work will be too much for you. You will then not be able to keep up with the timetable and it will all be a waste.

Therefore, stick to 1 or 2 subjects a day and increase it gradually.

Tip #2: Give Yourself Enough Time To Study

Studying last minute will get you nowhere. It will only stress you out knowing that you have a lot of Syllabus to complete with very little time.

To avoid this, you need to give yourself plenty of time to finish studying the portion. This will help with keeping you calm and confident.

The earlier you start studying the better. Typically, students start studying 2 to 3 months before their exam. You could either follow the same or start earlier than that. In the end, you will be benefiting from it.

Remember, it’s never too early to start studying. Take your exams seriously now and reap the fruits of your hard work later in life.

Tip #3: Solve Previous Year Papers

If you think the previous year’s papers are over and they can’t help then unfortunately you are wrong. Important questions in the syllabus are asked in the exam paper for a few years in a row. That’s how you know that they are very important.

The more question papers you solve the better understanding you will get of the important questions and the not-so-important ones. If you do find a question that is repeated a few times you will be able to practice it and be ready for it if it comes in your paper.

Then won’t you be glad you took the time? I’m sure you would.

That is not the only reason to solve question papers though. In the examination hall, there is very limited time to solve your paper. You need all the practice you could get.

Solving the previous years’ question papers will help you get there.

Tip #4: Set Goals For Each Day

You should have your goals in mind. What you want to achieve, when do you want to achieve it, and so on. There are long-term goals that you need to focus on, which is very important to keep you motivated.

However, today we will be focusing on the short-term goals.

As I have said earlier, you will need to make a detailed timetable. Along with that, you will also need to set your goals. For the day, for the week, and the month.

You need to accomplish a certain amount of portions at a certain date. If you make them in the timetable you make it will help you keep track of them and will push you to do better.

Tip #5: Join Study Groups

Studying in a group is very effective as well as interactive. That’s what we all need right? A little fun with education.

Joining a study group can be very helpful because the peers in the group support and motivate each other. If you have a doubt or don’t understand something, they will be right there to help you out.

The same goes for you. If you know a topic which someone else doesn’t, you can teach it to them. While teaching you will also be learning it for the second time.

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Tip #6: Use Diagrams And Mind Maps

This is important. Diagrams and mind maps are made so that you can study something easily at a glance.

If in the exam you forget an answer but have drawn a mind map for it you will be able to recollect the image and form your answer from there.

It doesn’t matter that the answer won’t have the exact same words as the textbook, as long as it has the main points you will score good marks.

They are also very helpful for last-minute revision. Instead of turning pages in the textbook back and forth, you will be able to look at that one paper and memorize your answer.

Tip #7: Take Regular Breaks And Reward Yourself

This is one tip you don’t want to take lightly. Don’t underestimate the effect of a break. The human mind and body cannot keep working continuously. It needs to have some time to relax and so do you.

If you don’t take regular breaks you will get tired and whatever you study will not be useful to you. You won’t be able to recollect any of it and you will just be wasting time. Schedule proper breaks and proper intervals. Not too short and not too long.

When you accomplish one of your goals, reward yourself. It could be with a piece of chocolate, an extra hour of sleep, or whatever you feel you need.

Rewards motivate you to study better. That’s why it is necessary you do so.

Tip #8: Eat Healthy And Drink Plenty Of Water

You need to take care of your health during exams. Often students are so focused on studying that they neglect themselves.

You cannot let this happen. You need to eat fruits and green vegetables to keep your body and mind healthy. Also, this is not just about physical health. You also need to be mentally healthy.

Many students go into depression because of exams and stress. Eating healthy and keeping yourself hydrated will help you avoid this.

Tip #9: Start Revision Early

Many-a-times it so happens that, when we study, we are able to remember the answers. But when we go back to it before our paper, we feel we cannot remember even studying that subject.

This is because you have so many subjects and so much to study. Revision is very important. If you study one subject today you need to revise it again tomorrow and the next day.

Revision doesn’t mean studying it again. It could simply mean just read what you have already learned. It really does make a difference.

Tip #10: Stay Motivated

With so much stress it is easy to get discouraged. At times like those, you need to remind yourself why you are doing this. Remember we spoke about long-term goals? Now’s the time to remind yourself of them.

It’s easy to fall apart but that’s when you need to be strong. Hard work always pays off in the end. If you struggle while you are young, you will be able to live the life you dream of when you’re grown up.

It will all be worth it in the end. Don’t ever give up.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I study better for exams?

Concentrate on your exams and stay focused. Do not leave anything till the last minute. Start early and you will be prepared for your papers.

2. How can I top in any exam?

If you want to top an exam first you have to make up your mind. Tell yourself that you really want this. Then you work towards that goal no matter what. After that, nothing can stop you.

3. What is the best study method?

The best study method is reading and writing. You should write your answers over and over again until you remember them without any hesitation.

4. How do I start preparing for the exams?

You need to start by making a timetable. List out all the subjects you have and place them accordingly on your timetable. Then you start reading one subject at a time. When you are done reading everything once, start memorizing them.

5. What is the best time to study?

The best time to study theory subjects is in the morning when you are fresh. In the afternoon or evening, you could do practical subjects like math.


Exams come and go but what matters is your health and well-being.

Don’t go overboard trying to achieve good marks that you forget to take care of yourself.

Study but in proportion and the right way.

Follow the tips listed above and you will succeed. I’m sure of it.

Image Source – FreePik

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