Top plagiarism checker useful for Students

Bloggers, writers, content marketers, and SEO writers need plagiarism-free website content. Plagiarism-free content is important in many aspects, it helps to rank better on Google pages, the copied content can be detected by the website crawlers and if any of your sentences matches with other website content, it will affect your ranking.

Top plagiarism checker

The plagiarism-free content offers credibility and authenticity to the page. The unique and high-quality content with naturally inserted keywords ranks better on Google. Google has strict rules and regulations for bloggers and writers to write unique and high-quality content. Otherwise, your website or blog can be penalized for plagiarism. It would be best to employ an authentic plagiarism checker tool to ensure that the content you provide to Google is 100% unique and plagiarism-free.

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Some of the best plagiarism-checking tools that you can use to check plagiarism in your article, content, or text are given below. We will go through the features and benefits of plagiarism-checking tools.

1. Prepostseo:


PrePostseo plagiarism checker is one of the best plagiarism checking tools. It provides users with multiple benefits like:

  • Safety of the data: The data is safe, and not used by the website or any other pirated software. The PrePost SEO plagiarism detector app makes sure all your information is in safe hands.
  • Percentage of plagiarism: The plagiarism detectors have a system that can detect plagiarism by giving reference to the matched content. It shows the plagiarized content ratio, unique content ratio, and phrases that exactly match other sources online.
  • Supports multiple files: The PrePost plagiarism detector supports multiple file systems like PDF, google Docs, and PowerPoint and can check articles in various languages.
  • Technical support: The team’s technical support is available 24/7, so you can ask any queries related to the free and premium versions of the plagiarism detector.
  • Chrome extension and mobile app: Prepostseo also has a Chrome extension, Android Plagiarism App, and iOS Plagiarism App.
  • Download a report of plagiarism: You can also download a plagiarism detection report to check the readability, word count, and grammatical errors.



Check plagiarism is a fast plagiarism detecting tool that scans the content in a few minutes. It does not take hours to check for plagiarism. This plagiarism tool is trusted by thousands of writers, bloggers, professors, and students to check the plagiarism in the article.

  • Check the density of keywords in the content: It also shows the keyword density in the content. So, it is helpful in terms of SEO for bloggers and content writers.
  • Free and premium version: With a free version of this plagiarism detecting tool, you can check almost 10,000-1500 words. The free understanding enables the users to check a higher number of words than any plagiarism checker’s free version. The premium version has advanced where it reviews grammatical errors and conducts deep research to find plagiarism.
  • Protection of data: This tool ensures high security and protection for its users. The data you used in this plagiarism detection cannot be leaked or used by a third party.
  • Highly Efficient system: The plagiarism detecting tool checks the content sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph to ensure no resemblance with the content anywhere online.
  • Percentage of plagiarism: The plagiarized content is highlighted in red and unique content is highlighted in green. It also provides a source to the link from where the content is taken.
  • Plagiarism checking plugin: If you are using a plagiarism detector online, you can add the plagiarism plugin in Google Chrome, WordPress, website widgets, Plagiarism APIs, etc.


Textreverseplagiarism checker is also the most commonly used plagiarism checker by writers, bloggers, and students for their daily writing tasks and assignments.

  • Supports multiple file formats: The file can be easily uploaded on this tool by copy-pasting the URL or uploading the file via pdf, word document, or Google doc file. This tool gives users an additional advantage and does not require a word converter to check for plagiarism in the article.
  • Multiple languages: This tool is user-friendly. Moreover, it does not require any particular expertise if you need to check plagiarism in any other language except English and supports multiple languages.
  • Detecting percentage: Like all other plagiarism tools, you can check the percentage of plagiarism in the articles. It separately shows the percentage of plagiarized and unique content.
  • Premium version: With a free version of this plagiarism detector, you can check only 1000 words. If you have bulk content, you should go for the premium version of the plagiarism detecting tool, where the system checks deep on the internet to ensure 100% plagiarism-free content.
  • Source of the link: Like all other plagiarism detecting tools, this tool also gives a source of the link from which content is copied. If plagiarism detects the content with any online source, you can rephrase the content by using a paraphrasing tool. Moreover, it allows users to download a report of plagiarism.

Wrapping Up:

There is no compromise on plagiarism in the articles. To rank better on Google pages and maintain integrity and authentication of your website, it is the need of the hour to come up with unique articles. These are some of the best plagiarism detecting tools that you can use to check for plagiarism in articles. The plagiarism-free content cannot be penalized by Google for copyright issues and cannot be crawled by Google bots. Even if you are unintentionally using the content of other websites, it will be detected in the plagiarism checker.

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